How many watts does an Air Fryer use

When you look at the functionality of an air fryer, it is our common tendency to wonder how many watts the devices will be consuming. But worry not, because when you look at the statistics you will be surprised to know the air fryers tend to consume less electricity. And you will be able to find your answer for how many watts does an air fryer use. 

Air fryers can look like a complicated kitchen appliance that tends to consume a lot of electricity. But it is purely dependent on the usability factor. Such as how you use it, how you function it, and other such maintenance factors. These are some things that influence on a huge scale in terms of electricity consumption of air fryers. 

The air fryers have a proper way of cooking instructions that we need to follow. This is something that consumers are not aware of and due to that reason, the air fryer tends to consume more electricity. 

How many Watts does an air fryer use? 

The general thumb rule that is taken in calculating the power efficiency of air fryers is that you need to check the wattage consumed by the air fryer and you need to multiply it with the time. This can be based on the total amount of hours which is consumed in cooking a food item for you. 

For every 30 minutes of cooking, 1500 wattage air fryer consumes 0.75 kWh. 

If we are looking at the cost, here are some approximate rates ready reckoner chart for your reference. 

Please note that all the cost is calculated based on 30 minutes. 

1400 watts air fryer will cost you $0.070

1500 watts air fryer will cost you $0.075 

1600 watts air fryer will cost you $0.080

1700 watts air fryer will cost you $0.085 

1800 watts air fryer will cost you $0.090

The above cost is just an approximate number which gives you an overview of cost. 

You can also take the support of a calculator to get better clarity.

There are many other factors that influence the power efficiency of air fryers. It can be based on the model and functionality that the air fryer has. 

When we compare the same data with the power consumption of the microwave oven, the air fryer consumes less electricity. Because it can be due to the size and minimalistic technology which is used in cooking the food.

What are the factors that influence the power consumption of air fryers? 

As I mentioned earlier the air fryer’s electricity consumption is purely dependent on the user’s behavior. To make you understand better, below are some of the factors that distinguish the energy consumption of air fryers. 

1. The size of the machine 

If you are going to opt for a bigger air fryer, then it is obvious that it will consume more electricity. Bigger the size, the bigger the electricity consumption. This is as simple as it is. This is what we all hear about and generally tend to perceive. But here is one twist, this is not the only thing. Because there are many air fryers in which the size is large but consumes less energy. This is all possible due to the manufacturer’s technological advancement within the air fryers. 

However, in general, bigger-sized air fryers do consume more power. As you can see the size of the machine is inversely proportional to the electricity consumed. For every quart, there is around a 20% to 30% increase in electricity consumption. It is a general thumb rule that you need to use in measuring power efficiency. You need to make a smart decision by checking the energy efficiency rating on the product before opting for an air fryer. 

2. The settings configuration 

Every air fryer has its own functionality. And depending on the functionality, you get settings to configure it. These are something that is found in high-end sophisticated air fryers with plenty of features. 

The settings can be defined into capacity, timer, LED lights, and additional cooking features. This functionality will influence a drastic increase in power consumption that you need to be aware of. Do not fall for the trap of features of the air fryer. 

All these configurable factors together increase consumption. As each functionality has its own role to play in draining the power. 

3. The type of food item 

This is another big factor that influences the power consumption of air fryers. It is dependent on the type of food that you are going to cook from the air fryers and the time that you have configured for it. 

The type of food and the time consumed is one of the major variables that help to determine in consuming the power.

If the food item requires less time to cook the food, then the air fryer machine will consume less electricity. Likewise, if there is any meat product that you want to cook from the air fryer, it will take more time. 

This also can be the number of food items that you are using within the air fryers. Rather than dividing the food item into two sessions of cooking, it is recommended for you to pile the food items together and cook them all together in one go. 

4. Optimum energy functionality of air fryers 

Sometimes you can find the difference when you purchase two similar types of air fryers but it consumes different power. It is all because of the technology that the air fryer machines have developed. 

The leading air fryer brands have configured their machines in an optimum way. These can be the settings that are completely devoted to energy efficiency, it helps to bring down the operational power expenses. 

It can also be due to the design of air fryers. Because of how air fryers have been designed and developed, it plays a key role in energy efficiency. This can sound a bit odd to you but in reality, it does really make a difference. 

5. Cost of electricity in your region

Every state and every country has its own billing factor for power consumption, it heavily influences calculating the cost for air fryer power consumption. Try to get in touch with your local electricity vendors to get to know the accurate cost.

Sometimes you can see the differences in billing even in one locality. This is due to the electricity provider and cost that is billed for the subscription you have opted for home. So this metric can’t be the same even when two people take the same type of air fryer. 


I hope that you got an idea of how many watts does an air fryer use. Choosing the right product and maintaining it are the major factors of getting better efficiency through their device.

If you look at the power consumption of air fryers for a longer period, the cost seems to be higher. And when we compare the same statistics to the traditional oven power consumption, air fryers are much better than them. 

It all depends on how you are using the air fryer and maintaining it. If you are going to comply with all the factors that influence more wattage consumption, then you will be able to bring down the cost of electricity. 

Further, read:

How does an Air Fryer work?

What does an air fryer do that an oven can’t?

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