How to find earbuds

It is an alarming situation when you are unable to find your wireless earbuds. This leads to irritation, anger, and confusion. As no one likes to get their favourite devices to get lost. There are common scenarios that you will be having the earbuds in your home itself. But due to lack of awareness, you will not be able to recall the place. In this guide, we share with you some of the easy tips that help you to find the lost Bluetooth earbuds. 

There are many ways from which you can track the location of wireless earbuds. It all depends on the technology that these devices have been integrated with. If you don’t have such a feature, do not worry as you can search the device manually through the steps shared in this blog. 

We share with you some of the common scenarios for how to find wireless earbuds that are lost. You can start performing these steps from the last known location of your earbuds. 

How to find Bluetooth earbuds? 

The below steps can sound very simple to you. But these are the solutions that have been resourceful by consumers who have lost their wireless earbuds. Based on their feedback, below are the ways that you can perform. 

1. Try to remember the last instance of using earbuds 

This is one of the first steps that you need to perform before finding Bluetooth earbuds. Try to remember the last place from where you have used your earbuds for a specific purpose. Based on that you will be getting an idea or find a probable road map for the location of earbuds. 

Go to the last known location and search the place extensively. There are many instances where consumers had lost their earbuds below the sofa or between the cushion. This is one of the trickiest parts that can act as an obstacle in searching the earbud. 

2. Follow the trail 

After remembering the last location of your earbuds, follow the trail that you have performed after using it. It can be where you have taken the device and roamed across a specific place. This will help you in understanding the possible location for where you have lost the earbuds. 

Additionally, you can take a paper and pen and make a note of all the places you have searched. Writing on a paper can sometimes stimulate your mind and get answers from it. 

3. Consult with your peer group 

Whether you are staying inside your home or any other place, talk to the people with whom you share the place. This is one of the most common scenarios that consumers have found that their family members would have taken the earbuds. So when you perform this step, the major part of finding the device will fade away. 

Sometimes even your family members can give you better ideas in searching the device. As you will be completely stressed, and due to that your mind will not properly function. For this purpose, it is better to take assistance from your peer group in finding the Bluetooth earbuds. 

Learn: How do Wireless Earbuds Work?

4. Take some time off 

Do not get completely involved in finding out your wireless earbuds the entire day. You need to take some time off in order to eliminate stress from your mind. 

There are many instances where consumers have found the device after a few days automatically. 

When you take more tension, you will not be able to find the answers for where the earbuds will be. You can also practice mind exercises that help in reducing stress and help to focus much better. 

5. Start audio files at high volume 

When your earbuds have been connected to a source that can be your laptop or a mobile phone, you need to start playing a song at high volume. When you play the audio files, there are high chances for you to listen to the sound coming from earbuds. 

Ensure that your room is completely silent during this process. You can practice this step either early in the morning or late at night when there is absolute silence. 

6. Use the Bluetooth Scanner app 

Some of the wireless earbuds support the Bluetooth Scanner App Technology. If your earbuds have this feature, you can use the app from your mobile in scanning out the location of your wireless earbuds. 

Ensure that your Bluetooth is turned on on your mobile phone. The earbuds can be tracked through the Bluetooth signals which have been paired with each other. It all depends on the signal strength that both the devices have between each other. 

Move around every part of your room so that you can cover more areas while performing this action. This will help in increasing the chances of you finding earbuds. While moving around, keep track of the monitor of your mobile phone. 

7. Clean your home 

This is one of the best ways to find your lost earbuds. When you clean your home, there are high chances for you to get the device. As it can be stuck between objects or hidden beneath the sofa or chair. These are some places that you can’t reach out to unless you start to clean your home. 

You can also take the help of your peer group in cleaning the end-to-end places of your house. It is one of the effective ways to organize all your stuff so that you don’t leave any stone unturned in finding out your device. 

8. Check your surroundings 

If all the above steps fail, it is better to start checking your surroundings. The surroundings can be anything. It can be your car, friend’s place, or office area. It will be hard to underestimate the place where your Bluetooth earbuds can be. 

Check each and every possible place that you usually keep travelling around. Also while doing this process, you can maintain a checklist for the places that you have covered. This helps in saving time and not overlapping the same task again. 

Related: Is it worth buying Wireless Earbuds?

Concluding thoughts 

While searching for the lost earbuds, the main thing that you need to keep in your mind is patience and time. These are the main elements when it comes to finding the lost earbud.

The above steps are effective ways for how to find wireless earbuds. I hope that you are able to find the device by now. If not, give some time so that you can recall or find the device automatically by chance. Even if you are unable to find it, it’s time to purchase your new Bluetooth earbuds. 

Let us know which method works for you? If there is any other technique, please let us know in the comment section below.

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