What does a Carbon Air filter do

There is a growing demand for using air purifiers in homes and offices. This leads to the introduction of technicalities in air purifiers which consumers are not aware of. One such popular concept is what does a carbon air filter do? 

You might have heard what does a HEPA filter does, this is one of the major components that take an active role with a HEPA filter. These techniques’ main motive is to get to the cleanest quality of air for you and your family members in home and office. 

The activated carbon filter is one of the most important parts to eliminate harmful gases particles and foul odours. These air filters are excellent agent it when it comes to cleaning the polluted air. As they easily trap the harmful particles and ensure you get pure air to breathe. 

Let us now understand what is activated carbon filter is and what does a carbon air filter do? 

What is an activated carbon filter? 

The activated carbon filter is also known as an activated charcoal air filter. These are the filtration device that is specifically developed to remove gaseous particles from the air. The activated carbon air filter has activated charcoal that is focused on eliminating volatile organic compounds. The VOCs are the impure gases that are emitted from internal or external sources.

The external gaseous particles can be cigarette smoke, foul odour, vehicle, and factory smoke. And internal are the cooking smoke, molds, fire smoke, and other strong pungent odours. 

Basically, the process is done with the help of the carbon atoms released when it comes to air contact. And when these harmful air particles pass through the activated charcoal, it gets absorbed on the surface. Therefore, providing you with pure air.

What does a Carbon Air filter do?

There are multiple roles that a carbon air filter from an air purifier can do. Here are some of the major benefits of using an activated carbon air filter. 

1. Helps in eliminating odours 

The carbon air filter is one of the most efficient parts that helps in eliminating foul odours. The odours can be anything. It can be from the smells coming from the contaminated surrounding area or it can be e from the inside home. 

2. Filters dust particles 

The carbon can easily filter out the dust particles. It has a unique functionality that can capture and trap the smallest of particles that range around 0.3 microns. It can also trap the largest-sized particles as well. 

3. Removes impurities from gaseous particles 

One of the important reasons for engineers referring carbon air filters. With the presence of activated charcoal, it can easily filter out the harmful particles from the smoke getting circulated inside the home. This is one of the major benefits you will receive for your respiratory system by using this product. 

4. Filters pet dander 

The activated charcoal easily traps the pet dander and ensures that the air is clean. This is beneficial for people who have allergies to pet dander. And it also helps people to avoid getting irritations because of pet hair. 

5. Clears Pollen from here 

When the filter gets activated, the Pollen gets captured by the device. Pollen can be a major reason for causing allergies to several people. The charcoal ensures you get clean air without any harmful particles. 

6. Eliminates volatile organic compounds 

Any guesses particle that is porous in nature, the carbon filter is the best way to eliminating these volatile organic compounds from the air. It is very important because these are some harmful gases that shouldn’t be consumed. 

7. Boosts efficiency of HEPA filter 

The HEPA filter requires an activated carbon filter to get better results. Because the activated charcoal is not so efficient in filtering out large particles. For that, it needs the support of the HEPA filter. Usually, you will find the feature both together while shopping for an air purifier.


I hope that you got an idea of what does carbon air filters do. A carbon air filter is an important feature to miss out from air purifiers. It would be better if you get an air purifier with the presence of activated charcoal. This makes you stress-free and give you peace of mind when it comes to breathing the filtered air.

It will be better if you can learn more about how do air purifiers work in getting pure air. This helps in addressing out the major functional concerns.

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