What is UV in Water Purifier?

Water purifier companies are working hard to produce new techniques to obtain healthy purified water. There are so many techniques in the purification of water, one such technique that we are going to discuss in this blog are what is UV in water purifier? 

Since the contaminants in water are increasing, it is very hard to find consumable water. There are so many viruses and bacteria as which are mutating and are not visible in our naked eye which is present in water. That’s the reason these water purifiers come into the picture. 

Each filtration technique has its own speciality. 

So does the UV filtration. 

UV filtration focuses more on eliminating microorganisms present in the water. This is a much-needed filtration technique in water purification. Without this feature, it is very hard for a water purifier to kill bacterias and viruses completely.

You need to learn all about this and make a smarter decision in choosing a water purifier. Because some of the filtration techniques are much needed and you can’t miss them out.

In the comprehensive guide, you will get to know what is UV filtration, its advantages, how does it work, and common FAQs. After learning about what does RO and MP do in water purifiers, now it’s time to learn what is UV in a water purifier. 

What is UV in water purifier? 

UV or ultraviolet water purifier basically focuses on eliminating harmful bacterias and viruses from the water. The process that is followed here would be, a UV water purifier emits ultraviolet rays to kill the microorganism. Any scale of bacteria or fungi or any other microbes won’t survive from the ultraviolet rays. 

The main speciality of UV water purifier is it eliminates these microorganisms in such a way that they can’t even automatically reproduce in a later stage. It ensures the water is completely free from any harmful microorganisms or dissolved impure contaminants. The UV radiations are so strong that they target the tiniest particles and ensure that you get healthy water. 

Ultraviolet filtration is one of the most powerful techniques used in water purification. With its capabilities of penetrating the tiniest particle and completely disinfecting it up to 99%. This can create wonders to obtain healthy water. 

Usually, UV filtration works closely with RO purification in order to retain the taste and odour of water. Any bacteria such as pathogens, E.coli or any other form of harmful elements are successfully eliminated by UV filtration. Now let us understand how UV filtration works.

How does UV water purifier work? 

uv tubes in water purifier

Ultraviolet water purification, as the name itself, suggests that ultraviolet radiation is used to kill harmful particles. Ultraviolet radiation has enough energy to completely kill the presence of viruses and bacteria and ensures that they don’t reproduce at a later stage. 

UV radiation can be around 254 NM of wavelength which is enough to destabilize the DNA particles in viruses. The ultraviolet wavelength is auto programmed depending on the contamination level of water.

Ultraviolet water purifier uses mercury vapour lamp for the production of UV radiation. The mechanism has been so carefully designed that the ultraviolet lamp will never come in contact with water. You can find the UV lamp bulb within the water purifier machine or externally placed when the water is passing through.

It also ensures that none of the microorganisms passes through the filtration process thereby getting the healthiest water. It also helps to retain the taste which is usually lost during the filtration process. 

Benefits of UV filtration in water purifiers? 

As the main motive of the UV filtration process is to eliminate harmful pathogens or bacteria through ultraviolet radiation, there are a lot of benefits of UV filtered water. 

1. UV water purifier does not use any chemical 

Ultraviolet water purification ensures that no chemicals are used to filter out the water. It basically uses the UV rays to eliminate all harmful microorganisms. It ensures that your water is chemically free from any such substances and is suitable for consumption. 

2. UV purifiers have the least maintenance 

Ultraviolet purifiers are very easy to maintain. There are very less few services that occurred to them. There are some certain parts which are the ultraviolet bulb that is required to be changed once a year. The UV filter is going to be pocket-friendly in terms of maintenance for you. 

3. Instant water purification 

It is a plug-n-play machine where you just need to connect it and then you get clean water in few minutes. UV water purifiers are very easy to operate and as well as to maintain. The machine runs on electricity which requires less amount of electricity. 

4. A powerful method of filtration 

Ultraviolet water filtration is one of the most powerful techniques that is used in water purification. Due to its presence of ultraviolet radiations that have the capacity to kill all the harmful impurities that are present in the water, this ensures peace of mind for you. 

5. Eliminates water-borne diseases 

UV filtration specializes in eliminating water-borne diseases. As water-borne diseases are constituted majorly by microorganisms and bacteria, UV filtration can perform its task easily to eliminate these particles. 

6. Odour and taste is intact 

UV water purifier ensures that it doesn’t alter the taste and odour of the water. And there is no usage of chemicals in order to execute this process. You get the water extracted in odour and taste-free.

7. UV water purifier emits zero wastewater 

The best part of using a UV water purifier machine is that it doesn’t emit any wastage of water, unlike the RO process. This is a much-recommended step for people who are environmentally friendly conscious. UV purification method has been appreciated by many users across the globe. 

FAQs of ultraviolet water purification 

We get you covered for the common queries that are faced by consumers while shopping for a UV water purifier. 

What are viruses or bacterias does the UV water purifier remove? 

Ultraviolet water purification is a powerful method used to eliminate microorganisms. This process is done without adding any chemicals or substitutes to water. Some of the viruses or bacteria that UV water purifiers can eliminate are Giardia, Fungi, Algae, E. Coli, Salmonella, and many others. 

There is a various range of microorganisms where you view water purifier successfully eliminates. You need not worry about the quality of water because it is very hard for microorganisms to survive from UV radiation. 

Is the water from UV purifier safe to drink? 

There is no doubt that UV purified water safe for consumption. As I stated earlier that, UV water purifier shows more than 99% of water purification. This is one of the highest level of assurance that other filtration technique doesn’t provide. 

Radiations are extremely effective in eliminating microorganisms and are completely safe. The best part is that they don’t use any harmful chemicals to purify the water. These are basically done through the UV lamps that are present inside the water purifier machine. 

Are UV radiation harmful to humans? 

Indeed they are. 

But rest assured, UV water purifiers are completely safe. The UV water purifier machines are designed in such a way that not even 0.1% of UV light is emitted from the machine. 

On a friendly note, you shouldn’t open the box when the water purification machine is turned on. 

What is the disadvantage of using the UV water purifier machine? 

Runs on Electricity

UV water purifier machine works on electricity, and whenever there is no supply of electricity it will be problematic for you. So we advise that maintain a container where you can store water for emergency purpose. 

Doesn’t remove TDS

It doesn’t remove dissolved solids. UV water purifiers are only effective in eliminating harmful microorganisms. UV filtration can’t remove dissolved solids (TDS) as it needs to be filtered out through the prefiltration method. The Reverse Osmosis process takes a key part in the pre-filtration process. UV filtration is recommended for people who have clear water without any TDS like the municipality tap water. 

Absence of storage unit

UV water purifier does not contain any storage unit. You need to additionally attach a storage unit for the UV water purifier machine. 

What are the maintenance tips for using a UV water purifier machine? 

UV Bulb Replacement 

You need to replace the ultraviolet bulb once a year. It usually depends on the usage of the UV water purifier machine. When the UV bulb continuously emits ultraviolet radiation at such a high wavelength, the bulb loses its power and capacity. So it is ideal for you to replace the UV bulb once a year 


You should regularly clean the parts of the UV water purifier machine. Before cleaning the UV water purifier machine, ensure that the power is turned off. This cleaning helps the UV water purifier system, to work more effectively. 

Check water performance 

You need to check the quality of water after a year. Because you need to see whether the UV water purifier is successfully eliminating all the microorganisms. If you find any parts that are not performing their roles, you need to immediately replace them.

Is UV water filtration required in the water purification process? 

There is no doubt that UV filtration is one of the most powerful techniques to obtain healthy water. 

To eliminate water-borne diseases which are harmful to the human body, everyone needs to use the UV water purification method. As UV water purifiers are strong to destabilize the pathogens and harmful bacterias. You really want this feature integrated into a water purifier system. 

You can even test your water quality content based on the hardness and other metal content. This can help you to make a smarter decision.

Check UV Water Purifier here

To sum it up

There is no second thought that UV water purifier takes a powerful role in getting healthy water, but comes with limitations. Like UV purifiers can’t filter out dissolved solids (TDS), for this you need to get the support of an RO filter. If your water is clear from any such solids, like municipal tap water which usually comes from a river, then you can consider taking only a UV water purifier system.

If you have any doubts or concerns about the water source, you can even get your water tested. Testing of water applies for both the case before and after the filtration process. Depending on the test report, you can get clarity for which filtration method you need to go for.

If you don’t want any such hassle, I can recommend you to go for a water purifier that has all filtration methods. This method suits you when you are getting water from groundwater (borewell) and municipal tap water (from the river).

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