What is MTDS in Water Purifier

Water purification technology is getting advanced day by day. One such water purification feature is MTDS. In this blog post, you will learn what is MTDS in a water purifier. 

Trying to get clean and pure water has become a challenge for everyone. That’s why many water purifier brands are working hard to introduce the best filtration technique to get healthy water. 

The water can be from the municipality tap water or even the groundwater which is the bore well. It is recommended for everyone to consume water that is free from harmful impurities. That’s the reason, water purifier companies work hard to get the best quality of water through purification through multiple features. 

One such feature is MTDS. 

As you all know what is TDS all about. MTDS acts like a modulator to control the TDS levels of water. This creates a huge scope of opportunity for a water purifier to control the TDS level. Because controlling TDS would be beneficial in order to get the required water with the TDS level.

So in this blog post, you will learn what is MTDS in a water purifier, how does it work and what are the benefits of having MTDS in a water purifier. 

What is MTDS in water purifiers all about? 

MTDS stands for manual total dissolved solids, this technique works as a controller to monitor the TDS level of water manually. It is an adjustable switch which is embedded with multiple water purifier filtration technique such as RO or UV or UF in order to manually control the TDS level of a water purifier. 

MTDS helps in getting clean and pure water which is recommended for drinking. This controller device helps in controlling the levels of TDS based on the user’s requirement. The MTDS controller helps in retaining natural vitamins and minerals that are best suited for drinking water. 

MTDS is a simple and easy-to-control feature that is integrated with the water purifier to control the required TDS level. Remember that it acts as just a controller device and doesn’t filter out impurities like RO or UV or UF does. The main objective of MTDS is just to control the TDS level and nothing else. 

How does MTDS work in water purifiers? 

what is mtds in water purifier

MTDS controller is a manual device that is integrated within a water purifier. Please note that you can even externally purchase an MTDS device and attach it to your water purifier. 

As MTDS is a manual device, it comes with the controller screw which is used to regulate the input and output of water. 

When the water gets purified from the Reverse Osmosis process gets mixed with the UV or UF process. Before getting the water mixed between these processes, MTDS comes into action. 

If you know the level of TDS measured with your water, then with this manual regulator device, you can easily control the level of TDS in water. 

This is a simple technique that is involved in controlling the TDS level of water. 

I’m going to remind you again that this feature is found integrated into some of the water purifiers. If you don’t find this, do not worry. You can take this device which is easily available and is very cost-efficient.

What are the benefits of MTDS in water purifiers? 

When you can manually control the TDS level of water, there are huge opportunities created in water purification. This is best suited for people who already know or have measured the level of water. They can easily regulate the TDS level using this feature. 

Controlling essential nutrients and minerals 

As the water contains all the harmful and beneficial elements, through a manual TDS controller, you can easily control the essential minerals in the water. 

This is a much-required feature for people who have already expertise in measuring the level of TDS in water. The water measured can be for residential or commercial purposes. 

Makes water more healthy 

When you can manually control the TDS level of water, it benefits in extracting water that is healthy for your body. 

This process helps in retaining the minerals and vitamins that are required in the water. When you can retain these vital elements, you easily get clean and purified water through this process. 

Best suited for large scale 

When there is the consumption of water on a huge scale, manual TDS is the best way to write the important elements. 

Because as RO/UV/UF process takes time in filtering water. But through reverse osmosis and manual TDS process is very easy to extract pure water in less time and at a large scale.

Common FAQs of MTDS feature in a Water Purifier 

In this section, we get our consumers covered with regards to what is MTDS feature all about and is it really required for a water purifier.

Is MTDS the best feature in retaining Minerals and vitamins? 

We can’t directly come to the conclusion that MTDS is best. Because there is another feature that is better than MTDS. 

That is Mineralizer. 

With a mineralizer, you can control, retain and add the necessary vitamins and minerals to the water. This feature creates huge advantages in terms of getting healthy water. 

Mineralizer comes in the form of cottages that have been integrated with a water purifier. It ensures that your water consists of all vital elements and maintains the overall property balance of water. 

Should I go for Mineralizer technology over MTDS? 

It completely depends on your budget and requirement. Because getting a purifier with mineralizer technology is expensive. You can’t find or integrate mineralizer technology as an external feature. 

But you can do it for MTDS. MTDS is cost-effective and very easy to maintain. You can also install the part by yourself. 

Mineraliser Technology is an advanced feature that is introduced by popular water purifier brands. 

Do I really need the MTDS feature in my water purifier? 

It is recommended for people who know how to measure the TDS level of water. 

When you can determine the TDS level of water, and when you find that the TDS level is high and contains all impure contaminants. Then it is best to go for the MTDS feature in a water purifier. 

Up to what level can I use the MTDS feature? 

If you can find the TDS level up to 900 PPM, you can use the MTDS feature efficiently. 

If the level of TDS is above 900 PPM, it is recommended for you to go for RO or UV or UF filtration technique. 

*PPM = Parts per million

Shop for Water Purifier with MTDS technology

To sum it up

I agree that mineralizer has its advantages compared to MTDS. But MTDS has equally shown results in controlling the TDS level of the water by retaining minerals and vitamins in the water. 

Other factors would be its maintenance and cost-efficiency. You can easily get a manual TDS controller device anywhere in the market. This makes it abundantly available and easy to obtain. It is also cost-effective as it is priced very less.

Considering the above factors, it would be crucial for a water purifier to possess such features. Because it is a key detrimental factor in controlling the TDS level of water so that vitamins and minerals are not lost from water.

This makes the best fit to have MTDS in the water purification system.

Since now you came to know what is MTDS in a water purifier, its functionality, and its benefits, now it’s your turn to decide.

Let us know your opinion in the comments section below.


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